But what does it sound like? An old listener and a New Listener hear
'Koshchey The Deathless'
Husky in Context: The generation of the Pushkin of Rap and the Journalist of the Psyche
Social Media stole truth and provided _____: Husky [Хаски] and his Enigmatism
The Theoretical Usage of Danto’s Style Matrix in the redefinition of Hip-Hop
The Defense of Unbiased Musicology in the wake of Modernization:
The Soviet Example and the Corrosive power of Half-Truths [Article Format]
[Short-form] Analysis of Lil Darkie's 2019 song, 'Genocide'
Analysis of To the Golden Rod (Op.60) by Edward MacDowell
Debussy's Pelleas et Melisande vs. Glinka's Ruslan and Lyudmila, Juxtapositions of Love
Samuel Barber's White Goddess: The Transition of Samuel Barber; an in-depth analysis of Despite and Still, op.41
Comparison between Satie's, Socrate (1st movement), and Vexations:
[Group Paper: Individual participation]
Short Analysis of William Bolcom’s, “Who” from the song cycle, Briefly, It Enters (1996)
Delusions of Love: Characteristics of Delusion in Emma Bovary from Gustave Flaubert’s,
‘Madame Bovery”

"Vladimir Ussachevsky, the Father of the Electro-Acoustical Lineage in America"
Russian and American political/musical differences and similarities from 1960-70
George Crumb’s Three Early Songs for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano
Lera Auerbach's 24 Preludes for Piano and Violin, her reinvention of the wheel